Information for the public
Have you ever found it difficult to get the food you and your family need? If you live in Bradford or Tower Hamlets (London) we want to hear from you.
Get in touch with one of our researchers to find out how you can get involved.
Fair Food Futures UK is research funded by the National Institute of Health and Care Research.
We are based in Bradford and Tower Hamlets (London) and we want to find out what support with food and livelihoods families find most helpful.
Fair Food Futures UK is a partnership of different organisations.
Our team includes researchers from University of York and University College London (UCL), Bradford Institute for Health Research, people who have experienced food insecurity and staff from Bradford and Tower Hamlets Councils.
What we are doing
We have begun mapping the networks of organisations (e.g. food banks and community cafes) providing support with food and livelihood in Bradford and Tower Hamlets (London).
We are using a survey, workshops and interviews to understand how these organisations work, what they need to operate, how they link to one another, what barriers they face and how they link with national policies and initiatives.
After that, we will explore what roles food banks and similar organisations (e.g. community markets and food pantries) play in families' lives.
Three researchers will volunteer in five of these organisations for a year, talking to families and inviting them to send photos and videos of their thoughts around food. The researchers will also hear from families who experience food insecurity but have not accessed support with food.
Our findings will help governments to prioritise resources that really work for families and communities.
Photos and videos shared by families will travel around Bradford, London and beyond to raise awareness of how food insecurity impacts so many lives.